User Manual

sound is too bright, the tonality can be adjusted by rotating the
microphone a few degrees to the side so that the vocalist is
singing slightly o axis. The further o-axis, the more the high
end will be softened.
When using cardioid or gure-of-eight patterns, the proximity
eect will cause the sound to become more bass-heavy the
closer the microphone is to the mouth. A skilled vocalist can
sometimes exploit the proximity eect to control the voice
timbre while recording but less-experienced vocalists are safest
keeping a xed distance from the mic.
Acoustic Guitar
When setting up to record acoustic guitars, the textbook miking
positions should only be used as a guide. A good starting point
is to aim the mic at where the neck joins the body and then
adjust until you nd the sweet spot that gives the best tonal
balance. As the mic is moved closer to the sound hole, the level
of the low end will increase; move it further along the neck and
the low end will decrease.
Acoustic guitar can be recorded using either large diaphragm
microphones or small diaphragm models depending on what
you have to hand. As with vocals you can try dierent polar
patterns though many users stick with cardioid so as to mini-
mise spill. If you do use gure-of-eight or omni patterns, you’ll
pick up more room ambience so use screens if the sound of the
room isn’t sympathetic to the instrument. A Halo behind the mic
is is ideal for reducing the contribution of room ambience.
Every guitar is dierent and its interaction with the room will
also aect the sound. A hard oor helps maintain a lively tone
so if you have carpet in your recording area, try placing a sheet
of hardboard, ply-wood or MDF on the oor between the instru-
ment and the microphone.
Start with the microphone about 200 to 300mm from the body
of your guitar (aimed at the point where the guitar neck joins
the main body), and listen on good isolating headphones while
moving the body of the guitar in relation to the mic until you
get a sound you like. You’ll probably nd that at some point the
sound just seems to come into focus. Isolating headphones are
crucial so that you hear only what the recording system will hear.
While it is possible to mic the acoustic guitar in stereo or even
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Laser Voice Cut dB