User's Manual

• Preamble Type: Preamble Type defines the length of time
that the router spent for CRC (Cyclic Redundancy Check). CRC
is a method of detecting errors during data transmission.
Select Short for a busy wireless network with high network
traffic. Select Long if your wireless network is composed of
older or legacy wireless devices.
• AMPDU RTS: In 802.11n or 802.11ac using a method,
A-MPDU, to aggregate short packet into a longer packet for
the same MAC address. When a wireless device ready for
transmission sends a RTS (Request to Send). After enabling
AMPDU RTS, every AMPDU frame send with RTS process.
• RTS Threshold: Select a lower value for RTS (Request to
Send) Threshold to improve wireless communication in a
busy or noisy wireless network with high network traffic and
numerous wireless devices.
• DTIM Interval: DTIM (Delivery Traffic Indication Message)
Interval or Data Beacon Rate is the time interval before a
signal is sent to a wireless device in sleep mode indicating
that a data packet is awaiting delivery. The default value is
three milliseconds.
• Beacon Interval: Beacon Interval is the time between one
DTIM and the next. The default value is 100 milliseconds.
Lower the Beacon Interval value for an unstable wireless
connection or for roaming devices.
• Enable TX Bursting: Enable TX Bursting improves
transmission speed between the wireless router and 802.11g
• Enable WMM APSD: WMM APSD(Automatic Power Save
Delivery) is the enhancement to the legacy power saver
mode. Enable WMM APSD, the wireless AP manages radio
usage to help increase battery life for battery-powered
wireless clients, such as smartphone and laptop. APSD
automatically changes to use a longer beacon interval when
the traffic does not require a short packet exchange interval.