User's Manual

a. Congure the following settings below. When done, click
• WAN Connection Type: Choose your Internet Service
Provider type. The choices are Automatic IP, PPPoE or xed
IP. Consult your ISP if the router is unable to obtain a valid IP
address or if you are unsure the WAN connection type.
• Enable WAN: Select Yes to allow the router Internet access.
Select No to disable Internet access.
• Enable NAT: NAT (Network Address Translation) is a system
where one public IP (WAN IP) is used to provide Internet
access to network clients with a private IP address in a LAN.
The private IP address of each network client is saved in a NAT
table and is used to route incoming data packets.
• Connect to DNS Server: Allows this router to get the DNS
IP address from the ISP automatically. A DNS is a host on
the Internet that translates Internet names to numeric IP
• Authentication: This item may be specied by some ISPs.
Check with your ISP and ll them in if required.
• Host Name: This eld allows you to provide a host name for
your router. It is usually a special requirement from your ISP.
If your ISP assigned a host name to your computer, enter the
host name here.
• MAC Address: MAC (Media Access Control) address is a unique
identier for your networking device. Some ISPs monitor the
MAC address of networking devices that connect to their
connect. To avoid connection issues due to an unregistered
MAC address, you can:
• ContactyourISPandupdatetheMACaddressassociated
with your ISP service.