User Guide

SCO UnixWare Installation
[xxxxx021] Target device protocol error
An unexpected event occurred during data transfer between the
adapter and target device. Normally, this indicates a faulty or non-
compliant target device.
[xxxxx022] Adapter or target device protocol error
The adapter or target device has broken the communication
protocol. A badly behaving device could be cause this message to
appear. Normally this is not a serious problem. If you get this
message frequently over a short period of time, it could indicate that
the device or system is malfunctioning. Unplug or power down
unused devices to see if the problem persists.
[xxxxx023] Target device parity error
The driver has detected a parity error by the target device. Try
decreasing the transfer rate or disable the Ultra SCSI speed in
SCSISelect. Also, make sure you are using good-quality SCSI cables.
[xxxxx024] Data overrun or underrun
The adapter was given more or less data than was expected.
[xxxxx030] Target Device busy
The target device reports a busy status. Another program might
already be using this device.
[xxxxx031] Target device queue full
The target device internal buffer is full.
[xxxxx032] Target device busy
The target device reports a busy status. Another program may
already be using this device.
[xxxxx041] Command aborted
[xxxxx042] Command aborted
[xxxxx043] Command aborted
[xxxxx044] Command aborted
[xxxxx045] Command aborted
An internal condition caused the driver to abort the command. In
most cases, the command is retried and is recovered, and normal
operation continues.