User manual

Chapter 1
Code Description
9C USB Detect
9D USB Enable
9E – 9F Reserved for future AMI codes
A0 IDE initialization is started
A1 IDE Reset
A2 IDE Detect
A3 IDE Enable
A4 SCSI initialization is started
A5 SCSI Reset
A6 SCSI Detect
A7 SCSI Enable
A8 Setup Verifying Password
A9 Start of Setup
AA Reserved for ASL (see ASL Status Codes section below)
AB Setup Input Wait
AC Reserved for ASL (see ASL Status Codes section below)
AD Ready To Boot event
AE Legacy Boot event
AF Exit Boot Services event
B0 Runtime Set Virtual Address MAP Begin
B1 Runtime Set Virtual Address MAP End
B2 Legacy Option ROM Initialization
B3 System Reset
B4 USB hot plug
B5 PCI bus hot plug
B6 Clean-up of NVRAM
B7 Conguration Reset (reset of NVRAM settings)
B8– BF Reserved for future AMI codes
D0 CPU initialization error
D1 System Agent initialization error
(continued on the next page)
Q-Code table