User manual

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
Q1: How do I reset my PL-AC56?
With your PL-AC56 switched on, use a pin to press and hold the Re-
set button until the Wi-Fi LED starts blinking. When the power LED
turns green and the Wi-Fi LED is on, the reset process is completed.
Q2: My devices cannot connect to the Internet.
• CheckyourInternetconnection.
• EnsurethatthepowerlineLEDlightsuponallyourpowerline
devices in the network. If they do not, try pairing the devices
• Ensurethatallyourdevicesareinthesamenetwork.
• Ensurethatalltheextendersandadaptersareinthesame
electrical circuit.
Q3: My successfully-paired PL-AC56 does not work after I
moved it to a new location.
• Trytopairyourextenderwithyouradapteragain.Fordetails,
see Pairing devices via the Pair button.
• Checkforanypossibleinterferencesthatmaybetoocloseto
your extenders or adapters such as air conditioners, washing
machines, and other electrical appliances.
• Ensurethatallyourdevicesareinthesamenetwork.
• Ensurethatalltheextendersandadaptersareinthesame
electrical circuit.
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