Computer Hardware User Manual

ASUS A7V133 Users Manual60
4.4 Advanced Menu
Advanced Menu
Operating Frequency Setting [User Define]
When the motherboard is set to JumperFree mode, this field allows you
to configure the external frequency of your CPU. Select [User Define] if
you want to make changes to the CPU Clock Multiplier or the CPU Fre-
quency field. When [Standard] is selected, the Clock Mutliplier will be
fixed and the CPU (external) Frequency will be fixed at 100MHz. Con-
figuration options: [Standard] [User Define]
CPU Clock Multiplier
(if Operating Frequency Setting
is set to [User Define])
This feature signals the CPU and North Bridge to initialize the
appropriate power sequence. Select the desired multiplier ap-
propriate for your system.
CPU Frequency
(if Operating Frequency
Setting is set to [User Define])
This feature tells the clock generator which frequency
to send to the system bus and PCI bus. Select the
desired frequency appropriate for your system.
NOTE: The bus frequency (external frequency) multiplied by
the bus clock multiple equals the CPU speed (the CPUs inter-
nal frequency). Selecting a frequency higher than what the CPU
manufacturer recommends may cause the system to hang or
crash. See System Hangup later in this section.