User's Manual

Chapter 4
Option ROM Utility (c) 2009 Advanced Micro Devices, Inc.
[] Up [] Down [PaUp/PaDn] Switch page [Space] Change Option
[Ctrl-Y] Save [ESC] Exit
[ Keys Available ]
[ LD Dene Menu ]
[ Drives Assignments ]
Port:ID Drive Model Capabilities Capacity(GB) Assignment
01:00 xxxxxxxxx xxxxxxx xxxxxx Y
02:00 xxxxxxxxx xxxxxxx xxxxxx Y
03:00 xxxxxxxxx xxxxxxx xxxxxx N
04:00 xxxxxxxxx xxxxxxx xxxxxx N
LD No LD Name RAID Mode Drv
LD 1 Logical Drive 1 RAID 0 2
Strip Block 64 KB Fast Init ON
Gigabyte Boundary ON Cache Mode WriteThru
Please press Ctrl-Y key to input the LD Name
or press any key to exit.
If you do not input any LD name, the default LD
name will be used.
Enter the LD name here:
Fast Initialization Option has been selected
It will erase the MBR data of the disks.
<Press Ctrl-Y Key if you are sure to erase it>
<Press any other key to ignore this option>
1. ーで <2> を押LD View / LD Dene Menuを開きます
2. <Ctrl + C>を押す次のな画面が表示
3. RAID Modeの項目を選択し <Space> を押て作成たいRAIDを選択ます
4. カーソルキーAssignmentの項目に移動RAIDに組み込むブにY」を
5. <Ctrl + Y>を設定を保存ます
6. 続いて次のセーが表示さ<Ctrl> + <Y> を押てLD名を入力
7. 任意のキを押て続行
8. <Ctrl + Y>を選択ブの全てデーMBRを消去ますセルす
9. <Ctrl + Y>を押レイの容量を設定する画面を開ます任意のキを押す容量は