User Manual

Chromebox for meetings for the large room
9. Click through the screens to view tips on using Chromebox for
meetings for the large room.
At the end of device enrollment, the screen displays a URL for this
devices page in the Chromebox for meetings for the large room
Admin console. Using this URL, an admin user must add the rooms
online calendar to the device to enable scheduled meetings.
Select other enrollment options
Most users can go through the simple enrollment ow described in
Complete basic enrollment. Options are available for users who want
to customize the setup experience or learn more. These options
appear on the second enrollment screen, except for accessibility,
which appears on both the rst and second screens:
Accessibility. Accessibility options include larger font and
cursor size, voice prompts, and more. The options you select
here apply to the setup process only, not to using Chromebox for
meetings for the large room. To select the Accessibility link using
the remote, navigate to the Continue or Accept and continue
button and then press right.
Send usage and crash info to Google. Allowing your device to
send info to Google helps us improve the Chrome OS experience
for all users. To learn more about this option, click the Learn
more link onscreen.
System security setting: Read more about the Chromebox for
meetings for the large room security settings.
Google Chrome OS Terms: If you’re using the remote, navigate
to the Accept and continue button and then press right to move
the cursor inside the terms window. Once you’re inside the
window, you can scroll up and down to review the terms.