User’s Manual

Manual Electrónico do PC Portátil
Denir palavra-passe geral
No menu Segurança, pode utilizar a opção Set Master Password
(Denir palavra-passe geral) para congurar um acesso com
palavra-passe à sua unidade de disco rígido.
Aptio Setup Utility - Copyright (C) 2011 American Megatrends, Inc.
Set HDD Master
***Advisable to
Power Cycle System
after Setting Hard
Disk Passwords***
Aptio Setup Utility - Copyright (C) 2012 American Megatrends, Inc.
Main Advanced Boot Security Save & Exit
: Select Screen
: Select Item
Enter: Select
+/— : Change Opt.
F1 : General Help
F9 : Optimized
F10 : Save & Exit
ESC : Exit
Version 2.15.1226. Copyright (C) 2012 American Megatrends, Inc.
Password Description
If ONLY the Administrator’s password is
set,then this only limits access to Setup
and is only asked for when entering Setup.
If ONLY the user’s password is set, then
this is a power on password and must be
entered to boot or enter Setup. In Setup,
the User will have Administrator rights.
Administrator Password Status NOT INSTALLED
User Password Status NOT INSTALLED
Administrator Password
User Password
HDD Password Status : NOT INSTALLED
Set Master Password
Set User Password
I/O Interface Security
Para denir a palavra-passe do Disco Rígido:
1. No ecrã Security (Segurança), clique em Set Master
Password (Denir palavra-passe geral).
2. Introduza uma palavra-passe e prima .
3. Introduza novamente a palavra-passe e prima .
4. Clique em Set User Password (Denir palavra-passe
de utilizador) e repita os passos anteriores para denir a
palavra-passe de utilizador.