
Chapter 4: Your precious moments
Using MiniMovie
Turn photos into a creative slideshow using the MiniMovie feature of the Gallery. MiniMovie
contains a theme of slideshow presentations which you can immediately apply to selected photos.
To create a MiniMovie from a photo folder:
1. From the Gallery app’s home screen, tap > Albums.
2. Select a photo folder then tap > Auto MiniMovie.
3. Select the MiniMovie theme you would like to use for your photo slideshow.
4. After selecting a theme, tap to save or share the slideshow.
Tap any of these themes to see its preview
Tap to edit the photo order, focal point, or
replace a specic photo in the applied theme
Tap to get the newest theme content(s)
Tap to apply a mixed theme
Tap again to customize the settings
Tap to add more photos or remove the selected photos
Tap to change the background music
Tap to reset to factory defaults
Tap to edit the subtitles and date in the applied theme
Tap to freely decorate your video in the advanced mode
Tap to save or share the slideshow