
Chapter 2: Theres no place like Home
Voice Search
Make voice commands to your ASUS Tablet then watch it listen and take action using the Voice
Search app. Using Voice Search, you can make voice commands to accomplish the following:
• SearchfordataandinformationonlineoronyourASUSTablet
• LaunchappsinsideyourASUSTablet
• Getdirectionstoalocation
IMPORTANT! Your ASUS Tablet must be connected to the Internet to use some of the features.
Launching Voice Search
1. Launch the Voice Search app by doing any of the following:
Tap on the Google search bar.
Tap > Voice Search.
2. Start saying your voice command.
NOTE: Speak clearly and use concise phrases when talking to your ASUS Tablet. It also helps to start
your commands with a verb related to the ASUS Tablet feature you want to use.