
Chapter 3: Keeping in touch
Set up your VIP from the VIP screen
To set up your VIP from the VIP screen:
1. Launch the Contacts app.
2. Tap .
3. In the VIP screen, tap .
4. Select the contact or contacts you want to group as VIPs, then tap Add. The contact or contacts
are added to your VIP list.
Adding an event to a VIP contact
You can add an event to a VIP contact such as anniversary, birthday, and other important events.
1. Launch the Contacts app, tap the contact you want to add an event detail to, then tap .
2. In the contacts info screen, tap Add another eld > Events.
3. Select the date for the event, then tap Set.
4. Ensure that you select VIP under the Group eld. When nished, tap Done.
5. The contact’s special event will appear in your calendar of events. If you want to get an event
alert, set the reminder time in the Calendar app.
• SettheremindertimeforeventsinCalendar to get What’s Next event alerts or reminders.
• Asidefromgettingupcomingeventsreminders,you'llalsogetnewemail/SMSmessageandmissed
call notications (on selected models) from What's Next. For more details, see What’s Next.