User’s Manual

Notebook PC E-Manual
ASUS FingerPrint
Capture ngerprint biometrics on your Notebook PC’s ngerprint sensor
using the ASUS FingerPrint app. This app allows you to use ngerprint
biometrics as user-authenticated access into your Notebook PC’s system
and applications.
Using this app, you can enable the following features:
• Swipeyourngeroverthengerprintsensortologonfrom
boot up straight into the Windows® operating system without
manually keying in passwords.
• Setupthebootkeyasbackupaccessforyourngerprint
• Importorbackupotherngerprintbiometricsyouwouldliketo
use to log on to your Notebook PC and its system programs.
Using the ASUS FingerPrint app
Create your ngerprint biometrics using the following steps:
1. Launch the Apps screen then click on the ASUS FingerPrint icon
from the list of applications under ASUS.