User manual

1-4 Chapter 1: Getting started
1.2 ASWM Enterprise installation
You can install ASWM Enterprise in Windows platform. Proceed to the succeeding
sections for the instructions that are applicable to your operating system.
1.2.1 ASWM Enterprise main server requirement
System Requirement
Microsoft SQL Server 2005 or above (Including Express version)
Web Server IIS 6 or above
NET Framework 3.5 SP1
NET Framework 4.0 (Full)
Active Directory (Deployment by Active Directory)
* Time zone setting must be the same
Important Notice for Windows Server 2008 or above
Ensure to add the following Features / Roles
Features: .NET Framework 3.5.1
Roles: Web Server (IIS)
Role Services under WebServer(IIS):
(A) Common Http Features (and all sub-items) have to be selected.
(B) IIS 6 Management Compatibility (and all sub-items) have to be
(C) Application Development
NET Extensibility
ISAPI Extensions
ISAPI Filters