User Manual

PRIME / ProArt / TUF GAMING Intel 700 Series BIOS Manual
The following items appear only when Acoustic Noise Mitigation is set to [Enabled].
Pre Wake Time
Allows you to set the maximum Pre Wake randomization time in micro ticks. This is for
acoustic noise mitigation Dynamic Periodicity Alteration (DPA) tuning. Use the <+> or <->
to adjust the value.
Configuration options: [0] - [255]
Ramp Up Time
Allows you to set the maximum Ramp Up randomization time in micro ticks. This is for
acoustic noise mitigation Dynamic Periodicity Alteration (DPA) tuning. Use the <+> or <->
to adjust the value.
Configuration options: [0] - [255]
Ramp Down Time
Allows you to set the maximum Ramp Down randomization time in micro ticks. This is for
acoustic noise mitigation Dynamic Periodicity Alteration (DPA) tuning. Use the <+> or <->
to adjust the value.
Configuration options: [0] - [255]
VR Domain
Disable Fast PKG C State Ramp for IA Domain
This option needs to be configured to reduce acoustic noise during deeper C states.
[FALSE] Don’t disable Fast ramp during deeper C states.
[TRUE] Disable Fast ramp during deeper C state.
Slow Slew Rate for IA Domain
Set VR IA Slow Slew Rate for Deep Package C State ramp time; Slow slew rate equals
to Fast divided by number, the number is 2, 4, 8 to slow down the slew rate to help
minimize acoustic noise.
Configuration options: [Fast/2] [Fast/4] [Fast/8]
GT VR Domain
Disable Fast PKG C State Ramp for GT Domain
This option needs to be configured to reduce acoustic noise during deeper C states.
Don’t disable Fast ramp during deeper C states.
[TRUE] Disable Fast ramp during deeper C state.
Slow Slew Rate for GT Domain
Set VR GT Slow Slew Rate for Deep Package C State ramp time; Slow slew rate equals
to Fast divided by number, the number is 2, 4, 8 to slow down the slew rate to help
minimize acoustic noise.
Configuration options: [Fast/2] [Fast/4] [Fast/8]
CPU C-states
Allows you to enable or disable CPU Power Management. Allows CPU to go to C
states when it’s not 100% utilized.
Configuration options: [Auto] [Disabled] [Enabled]
The following items appear only when CPU C-states is set to [Enabled].
Enhanced C-States
Allows you to enable or disable C1E. When enabled, CPU slows doen to minimum
speed when all cores enter C-State.
Configuration options: [Enabled] [Disabled]