User’s Manual

Table Of Contents
FCC RF Caution Statement
IMPORTANT! Outdoor operations in the 5.15-5.25 GHz band are prohibited. This
device has no ad-hoc capability for 5250-5350 and 5470-5725 MHz.
WARNING! Any changes or modications not expressly approved by the party
responsible for compliance could void the user’s authority to operate this equipment.
FCC RF Exposure Information
This device meets the government’s requirements for exposure to radio waves.
This device is designed and manufactured not to exceed the emission limits for
exposure to radio frequency (RF) energy set by the Federal Communications
Commission of the U.S. Government. The exposure standard employs a unit of
measurement known as the Specic Absorption Rate, or SAR. The SAR limit set
by the FCC is 1.6 W/kg. Tests for SAR are conducted using standard operating
positions accepted by the FCC with the EUT transmitting at the specied power
level in dierent channels. The FCC has granted an Equipment Authorization for
this device with all reported SAR levels evaluated as in compliance with the FCC
RF exposure guidelines. SAR information on this device is on le with the FCC and
can be found under the Display Grant section of
FCC 5.925-7.125 GHz Caution Statement
Operation of transmitters in the 5.925-7.125 GHz band is prohibited for control of
or communications with unmanned aircraft systems.
(Reprinted from the Code of Federal Regulations #47, part 15.193, 1993.
Washington DC: Oce of the Federal Register, National Archives and Records
Administration, U.S. Government Printing Oce.)