User's Manual

3.7.3 Creating your contact list
To create your contact list:
1. From the navigation panel, click Telephony > Phone Book.
2. Click to add a new contact. You can add up to three (3)
phone numbers to a contact.
3. Fill in the necessary information.
4. When done, click Apply.
3.7.4 Making an internal call
To make an internal call:
1. Ensure that you have the correct internal number for the
internal phone that you want to call.
NOTE: To check for the internal number of an internal phone, go to
Telephony > Phone Device.
2. From an internal phone, dial asterisk (*) twice, then the
internal number of the other internal phone.
For example, you want to call Phone 2 (internal number is 12)
from Phone 1. From Phone 1, dial [**] + [12].