User Manual

Chapter 4: Conguring via the web GUI DSL-N10S
Configure the SNMP settings
This page allows you to congure the SNMP (Simple Network Management
Protocol) settings.
To configure the SNMP settings:
1. Click Access Management > SNMP tab.
2. Tick Activated to enable SNMP.
3. Key in the trap host.
4. Click Save when done.
Configuring the UPnP settings
The UPnP (Universal Plug and Play) Conguration page allows you to access the
media of the UPnP devices found in your network.
To configure the UPnP settings:
1. Click Access Management > UPnP tab.
2. In the UPnP eld, tick Activated to enable UPnP connection.
3. In the Auto-configured eld, tick Activated to enable auto-conguration.
4. Click Save to save the settings.