Quick Start Guide

• Set AP isolated: The Set AP isolated item prevents wireless
devices on your network from communicating with each
other. This feature is useful if many guests frequently join or
leave your network. Select Ye s to enable this feature or select
No to disable.
• Enable IGMP Snooping: Select Enable as the default value
to help improve the speed of transmission.
• Multicast rate (Mbps): Select the multicast transmission
rate or click Disable to switch off simultaneous single
• RTS Threshold: Select a lower value for RTS (Request to
Send) Threshold to improve wireless communication in a
busy or noisy wireless network with high network traffic and
numerous wireless devices.
• DTIM Interval: DTIM (Delivery Traffic Indication Message)
Interval or Data Beacon Rate is the time interval before a
signal is sent to a wireless device in sleep mode indicating
that a data packet is awaiting delivery. The default value is
three milliseconds.
• Beacon Interval: Beacon Interval is the time between one
DTIM and the next. The default value is 100 milliseconds.
Lower the Beacon Interval value for an unstable wireless
connection or for roaming devices.
• Enable TX Bursting: Enable TX Bursting improves
transmission speed between the xDSL modem router and
802.11g devices.
• Enable Packet Aggregation: The default value is enabling
the process of joining multiple packets together into a single
transmission unit.
• Enable WMM APSD: Enable WMM APSD (Wi-Fi Multimedia
Automatic Power Save Delivery) to improve power
management between wireless devices. Select Disable to
switch off WMM APSD.