User's Manual

ASUS PIKE 2208 2-23
Drive Cache: Specify the drive cache policy:
Unchanged: Leave the current drive cache policy unchanged. This is
the default.
Enable: Enable the drive cache.
Disable: Disable the drive cache.
Disable BGI: Specify the background initialization status:
No: Leave background initialization enabled. This means that a new
conguration can be initialized in the background while you use
WebBIOS to do other conguration tasks. This is the default.
Yes: Select Yes if you do not want to allow background initializations
for congurations on this controller.
Select Size: Specify the size of the virtual drive in terabytes, gigabytes,
megabytes, or kilobytes. Normally, this would be the full size for RAID 50
shown in the Conguration panel on the right. You may specify a smaller
size if you want to create other virtual drives on the same drive group.
15. Click Accept to accept the changes to the virtual drive denition, or click
Reclaim to undo the changes.
16. Click Yes to conrm the write policy mode you have chosen.
17. Click Next after you nish dening virtual drives. The conguration preview
screen appears.
18. Check the information in the conguration preview screen.
19. If the virtual drive conguration is acceptable, click Accept to save the
conguration. Otherwise, click Cancel to end the operation and return to the
WebBIOS main menu, or click Back to return to the previous screens and
change the conguration.
20. If you accept the conguration, click Yes at the prompt to save the
21. Click Yes at the prompt to start initialization.
22. After the virtual drive is successfully
created, the Manage SSD Caching
screen appears. Click Cancel to
close the sceen.