User's Manual

2-32 Chapter 2: RAID conguration
Controller Properties Menu Options (Cont.)
Option Description
Patrol Read
Use this option to select the rate for patrol reads for drives connected to
the selected controller. The default is 30 percent. The patrol read rate is
the percentage of system resources dedicated to running a patrol read.
Cache Flush
Use this option to control the interval (in seconds) at which the contents
of the onboard data cache are ushed. The default is 4 seconds.
Spinup Drive
Use this option to control the number of drives that spin up
simultaneously. The default is 4 drives.
Spinup Delay
Use this option to control the interval (in seconds) between spinup of
drives connected to this controller. The delay prevents a drain on the
system’s power supply that would occur if all drives spun up at the
same time. The default is 12 seconds.
Stop CC on
Use this option if you want to stop a consistency check when the
controller BIOS encounters an error. The default is No.
Maintain PD
Fail History
Use this option to maintain the history of all drive failures. The default
is Enabled.
Controller BIOS
Use this option to enable or disable the BIOS for the selected controller.
The default is Enabled. If the boot device is on the selected controller,
the BIOS must be enabled. Otherwise, the BIOS should be disabled or
it might not be possible to use a boot device elsewhere.
Link Speed
Use this option to change the link speed between the controller and
an expander or between the controller and a drive that is directly
connected to the controller.
Schedule CC
“Supported” will be displayed if the controller supports consistency
check schedule.
Enable this option if you want the boot process to stop when the
controller BIOS encounters an error during boot-up. The default is
Disk Activity
Enable this option if you want to locate a particular disk. This disk can
be identied with a continuous blinking of green activity LED. This
works only if the disks are installed in an enclosure. The default is
If you make changes to the options on this screen, click Submit to register them. If
you change your mind, click Reset to return the options to their default values.