User Manual

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華碩 ESC N4A-E11 使用手冊
RttNom [Auto]
設定值有:[Rtt_Nom Disable] [RZQ/4] [RZQ/2] [RZQ/6] [RZQ/1] [RZQ/5]
[RZQ/3] [RZQ/7] [Auto]
RttWr [Auto]
設定值有:[Dynamic ODT Off] [RZQ/2] [RZQ/1] [Hi-Z] [RZQ/3] [Auto]
RttPark [Auto]
設定值有:[Rtt_PARK Disable] [RZQ/4] [RZQ/2] [RZQ/6] [RZQ/1] [RZQ/5]
[RZQ/3] [RZQ/7] [Auto]
以下項目僅當 Data Bus Configuration User Controls 設定為 [Manual]
Common RAS
Data Poisoning [Auto]
設定值有:[Enabled] [Disabled] [Auto]
DRAM Post Package Repair [Disable]
本項目可以啟用或關閉 DRAM POST Package Repair。設定值有:[Enable]
RCD Parity [Auto]
設定值有:[Enabled] [Disabled] [Auto]
DRAM Address Command Parity Retry [Auto]
設定值有:[Enabled] [Disabled] [Auto]
以下項目僅當 DRAM Address Command Parity Retry 設定為 [Enabled]
Max Parity Error Replay [8]
十六進位的數值 1、2 或 3 為無效。設定值有:[0] – [39]
Write CRC Enable [Auto]
設定值有:[Enabled] [Disabled] [Auto]
DRAM Write CRC Enable and Retry Limit [Auto]
設定值有:[Enabled] [Disabled] [Auto]
Cs0dtDrvStren [Auto]
設定值有:[Auto] [120.0 Ohm] [60.0 Ohm] [40.0 Ohm] [30.0 Ohm] [24.0
Ohm] [20.0 Ohm]
CkeDrvStren [Auto]
設定值有:[Auto] [120.0 Ohm] [60.0 Ohm] [40.0 Ohm] [30.0 Ohm] [24.0
Ohm] [20.0 Ohm]
Data Bus Configuration
Data Bus Configuration User Controls [Auto]
本項目用來設定驅動強度的模式。設定值有:[Auto] [Manual]