User's Manual

第四章:BIOS 程序設置
4.7.1 Smbios Change Smbios
Event Log Settings)
Enabling/Disabling Options
Smbios Event Log [Enabled]
提供您更改為啟用或關閉所有在啟動過程時的 Smbios 事件記錄。設置值
有:[Disabled] [Enabled]
Erasing Settings
Erase Event Log [No]
本項為提供選擇清除 Smbios Event Log 的選項,在重新啟動時清除在任何
載入任何記錄動作。設置值有:[No] [Yes, Next reset] [Yes, Every reset]
When Log is Full [Do Nothing]
提供選擇當 Smbios 事件記錄存儲滿時的動作。設置值有:[Do Nothing]
[Erase Immediately]
Smbios Event Log Standard Settings
Log System Boot Event [Disabled]
[Ena b l ed]
MECI [1]
提供調整 MECI(Multiple Event Count Increment),此為設same error
重複出現的次數。使用 <+> <->調整數值,數值的範圍為 1 255。
METW [60]
提供調整 METW (Multiple Event Time Window) 數值,此為設置 same
error 重複出現的最小時間差距。使用 <+> <-> 鍵輸入調整數值,數值
的範圍為 0 至 99。
Aptio Setup Utility - Copyright (C) 2011 American Megatrends, Inc.
Event Logs
Change this to enable or
disable all features of
Smbios Event Logging during
Enabling/Disabling Options
Smbios Event Log [Enabled]
Erasing Settings
Erase Event Log [No]
When Log is Full [Do Nothing]
Smbios Event Log Standard Settings
Log System Boot Event [Disabled]
Custom Option
Log OEM Codes [Enabled]
Convert OEM Codes [Disabled]
Note: All values changed here do not take effect
until computer is restarted.
→←: Select Screen
↑↓: Select Item
Enter: Select Item
+/-: Change Opt.
F1: General Help
F2: Previous Values
F5: Optimized Defaults
F10: Save & Exit
ESC: Exit
Version 2.14.1219. Copyright (C) 2011 American Megatrends, Inc.