User's Manual

華碩 ESC4000 G2 系列使用手冊
5.3 主選單(Main)
當您進入 BIOS 設定程式時,首先出現的第一個畫面即為主選單,內容
5.3.1 System Date [Day xx/xx/xxxx]
5.3.2 System Time [xx:xx:xx]
Version 2.14.1219. Copyright (C) 2011 American Megatrends, Inc.
Aptio Setup Utility - Copyright (C) 2011 American Megatrends, Inc.
Main Advanced Server Mgmt Event Logs Boot Monitor Security Tool Exit
Set the Date, Use Tab to
switch between Data elements.
→←: Select Screen
↑↓: Select Item
Enter: Select Item
+/-: Change Opt.
F1: General Help
F2: Previous Values
F5: Optimized Defaults
F10: Save & Exit
ESC: Exit
BIOS Information
BIOS Vendor American Megatrends
Core Version
Compliancy UEFI 2.1; PI 0.9
BIOS Version 0205 x64
Build Date 03/15/2012
System Date [Mon 05/02/2012]
System Time [15:07:28]
Access Level Administrator
Memory Information
Total Memory 16384 MB (DDR3)
CPU Speed 2600 MHz
Count: 1