User Manual

Table Of Contents
Chapter 1: Product Introduction
PSP Boot
PSP Boot Loader
phase (Error Post
0x3B error The count of CCXs or cores provided by bootrom is not consistent
0x3C error Uncompressed image size doesn't match value in compressed header
0x3D error Compressed option used in case where not supported
0x3E error Fuse info on all dies don't match
0x3F error PSP sent message to SMU; SMU reported an error
0x40 error Function RunPostX86ReleaseUnitTests failed in memcmp()
0x41 error Interface between PSP to SMU not available.
0x42 error Timer wait parameter too large
0x43 error Test harness module reported an error
0x44 error x86 wrote C2PMSG_0 interrupting PSP, but the command has an invalid format
0x45 error Failed to read from SPI the Bios Directory or Bios Combo Directory
0x46 error Failed to find FW entry in SPL Table
0x47 error Failed to read the combo bios header
0x48 error SPL version mismatch
0x49 error Error in Validate and Loading AGESA APOB SVC call
0x4A error Correct fuse bits for DIAG_BL loading not set
0x4B error The UmcProgramKeys() function was not called by AGESA
0x4C error Unconditional Unlock based on serial numbers failure
0x4D error Syshub register programming mismatch during readback
0x4E error Family ID in MP0_SFUSE_SEC[7:3] not correct
0x4F error An operation was invoked that can only be performed by the GM
0x50 error Failed to acquire host controller semaphore to claim ownership of SMB
0x51 error Timed out waiting for host to complete pending transactions
0x52 error Timed out waiting for slave to complete pending transactions
0x53 error Unable to kill current transaction on host, to force idle
0x54 error One of: Illegal command, Unclaimed cycle, or Host time out
0x55 error An smbus transaction collision detected, operation restarted
0x56 error Transaction failed to be started or processed by host, or not completed
0x57 error An unsolicited smbus interrupt was received
0x58 error An attempt to send an unsupported PSP-SMU message was made
0x59 error An error/data corruption detected on response from SMU for sent msg
0x5A error MCM Steady-state unit test failed
0x5B error S3 Enter failed
0x5C error AGESA BL did not set PSP SMU reserved addresses via SVC call
0x5D error Reserved PSP/SMU memory region is invalid
0x5E error CcxSecBisiEn not set in fuse RAM
0x5F error Received an unexpected result
0x60 error VMG Storage Init failed
0x61 error Failure in mbedTLS user app
0x62 error An error occured whilst attempting to SMN map a fuse register
0x63 error Fuse burn sequence/operation failed due to internal SOC error
0x64 error
Fuse sense operation timed out
0x65 error Fuse burn sequence/operation timed out waiting for burn done
0x66 error The PMU FW Public key certificate loading or authentication fails
0x67 error This PSP FW was revoked
0x68 error The platform model/vendor id fuse is not matching the BIOS public key token
0x69 error The BIOS OEM public key of the BIOS was revoked for this platform
0x6A error PSP level 2 directory not match expected value.
0x6B error BIOS level 2 directory not match expected value.
0x6C error Reset image not found
0x6D error Generic error indicating the CCP HAL initialization failed
0x6E error Failure to copy NVRAM to DRAM.
0x6F error Invalid key usage flag
0x70 error Unexpected fuse set
0x71 error RSMU signaled a security violation
0x72 error Error programming the WAFL PCS registers
0x73 error Error setting wafl PCS threshold value
0x74 error Error loading OEM trustlets
0x75 error Recovery mode accross all dies is not sync'd
0x76 error Uncorrectable WAFL error detected
0x77 error Fatal MP1 error detected
0x78 error Bootloader failed to find OEM signature
0x79 error Error copying BIOS to DRAM
0x7A error Error validating BIOS image signature
0x7B error OEM Key validation failed
0x7C error Platform Vendor ID and/or Model ID binding violation
(continued on the next page)