User Manual

Power On By PCIE/PCI
This item allows you to enable or disable the Wake-on-LAN function of the onboard
LAN controller or other installed PCIe/PCI LAN cards. Conguration options:
[Disabled] [Enabled]
Power On By PS2
Enables or disables the system to be powered on by a PS/2 keyboard or mouse.
Conguration options: [Disabled] [Enabled]
Power On By Ring
[Enabled] Enables the Ring devices to generate a wake event.
[Disabled] Disables the Ring devices to generate a wake event.
Power On By RTC
[Disabled] Disables RTC to generate a wake event.
[Single event] Allows you to generate a single wake event.
[Daily event] Allows you to generate a daily wake event.
[Weekly event] Allows you to generate a weekly wake event.
[Monthly event] Allows you to generate a monthly wake event.
3.3.14 EzFlash
Enter Ez-Flash mode
This item allows you to run EzFlash utility. When you press <Enter>, a conrmation
message appears. Use the left/right arrow key to select between [Yes] or [No],
then press <Enter> to conrm your choice.
3.3.14 Watchdog Timer
Watchdog Support
This item allows you to enable or disable Watchdog timer. Conguration options:
[Enabled] [Disabled]
The following items appear when you set Watchdog Support to [Enabled].
Watchdog Count mode
Allows you to select Watchdog Timer I count mode.
Conguration options: [Second Mode] [Minute Mode]
Watchdog Timer
Use the <+> and <-> keys to adjust the value or input the desired value directly.
The value ranges from 1 to 255.