
2.5.12 Internal CPU Power Management
The subitems in this menu allow you to set the CPU ratio and features.
Enhanced Intel
SpeedStep Technology [Enabled]
Allows you to enable or disable the Enhanced Intel
SpeedStep Technology (EIST).
[Disabled] Disables this function.
[Enabled] The operating system dynamically adjusts the processor voltage and
core frequency which may result in decreased average consumption and
decreased average heat production.
Turbo Mode [Enabled]
Allows you to enable your core processor’s speed to run faster than the marked frequency in
a specic condition. Conguration options: [Disabled] [Enabled]
Turbo Mode is only available on selected CPU models only.
The following rst three items appear only when you set the Turbo Mode to [Enabled].
Turbo Mode Parameters
Long Duration Package Power Limit [Auto]
Allows you to limit the turbo ratio’s long duration package power. Use the <+> and <‑>
keys to adjust the value.
Package Power Time Window [Auto]
Allows you to set the package power time window. Use the <+> and <‑> keys to adjust
the value.
Short Duration Package Power Limit [Auto]
Allows you to limit the turbo ratio’s long duration power. Use the <+> and <‑> keys to
adjust the value.
CPU Integrated VR Current Limit [Auto]
Allows you to limit the CPU Integrated VR current. Use <+> and <‑> key to adjust the
CPU Internal Power Switching Frequency
Frequency Tuning Mode [Auto]
Allows you to set the frequency tuning mode. Conguration options: [Auto] [+] [‑]
CPU Internal Power Fault Control
Thermal Feedback [Auto]
When enabled, it allows CPU to take precautionary actions when the thermal of the
external regulator exceeds the limit. Conguration options: [Auto] [Disabled] [Enabled]
CPU Integrated VR Fault Management [Auto]
Allows you to manage the CPU Integrated VR fault. Conguration options: [Auto]
[Disabled] [Enabled]