User`s manual

Internet Security Router Users Manual Chapter 11. Configuring Remote Access
5. An IP address (in the IP Address field) is automatically assigned for the selected user. However,
you may change it to any desired value.
6. Click to save the virtual IP settings. Note that a list of existing virtual IP assignments is
displayed at the bottom half of the VPN Virtual IP Configuration page.
11.6.3 Change Virtual IP Assignments for Remote Access Users
Follow these instructions to change the VPN virtual IP address for remote access users:
1. Open the VPN Virtual IP Configuration page by clicking on the Remote Access menu, and then
click the VPN Virtual IP submenu. The VPN Virtual IP Configuration page displays, as shown in
Figure 11.9. Note that you must login as administrator to configure any settings for the Internet
Security Router.
2. Change the virtual network address in the Virtual Network Address field if necessary. Note that a
routing entry must exist between the virtual network and the LAN.
3. Click on the icon in the Virtual IP List table to select an existing virtual IP assignment or select
a user from the User Name drop-down list.
4. Change the virtual IP address in the IP Address field.
5. Click to save the virtual IP settings. Note that a list of existing virtual IP assignments is
displayed at the bottom half of the VPN Virtual IP Configuration page.
6. Repeat steps 3, 4 and 5 until all the desired changes are made.
11.6.4 Delete Virtual IP Address for Remote Access Users
You need to delete the remote user in the User Group configuration page in order to delete the virtual IP
assignment for the prospective user. Please refer to section 11.2.5 Delete a User Group or a User for details.
User Name: Richard
Virtual IP:
Private Network
FTP Server:
LAN Port
WAN Port
User Name: Gloria
Virtual IP:
Remote Access VPN Client
Remote Access VPN Client
Figure 11.10. Network Diagram for VPN Remote Access