
7. If you want Omlet Chat to automatically update your friends from your contacts list, tap Okay! Let’s do it!
If you want to add your friends manually, tap No thanks.
• Aseriesofscreensappearfortheapp'sintroduction.FollowtheonscreeninstructionsuntilOmletChatmain
screen appears.
• OmletChatappcanonlyaddcontactswithOmletchatinstalledtotheirdevices.
8. On the Omlet Chat main screen, tap START CHAT then select a contact that you want to chat.
Registering your e-mail or Facebook account
Use your e-mail or Facebook account to sign in to Omlet Chat.
To register your e-mail or Facebook account:
1. Tap then tap Omlet Chat app.
2. On the Sign up page, tap Connect a dierent account here to select an account from Email or
Facebook, then follow the succeeding onscreen instructions.
• IfyouselectEmail,keyinyoure-mailaccountthentapNext. Omlet Chat app will send a conrmation
message to your e-mail account.
• IfyouselectFacebook,OmletChatappwilltakeyoutoFacebooktologintoyourFacebookaccount.
3. Key in your name then tap Get Started.