User Guide

What’s Next
Do not miss out on important events, having fun out in the sun, or getting messages/emails/calls from your
favorite people. Set up your calendar of events, Favorites and VIP groups, or weather update settings to get
alerts and reminders of whats next. View your What’s Next alerts from the Lock screen, Systems Notication
panel, and What’s Next widget or app.
If you’re using Whats Next for the rst time, you would have to set up your calendar account or use the
Calendar app in your ASUS Tablet.
• SetupyourfavoritecontactsandVIPgroupstoreceivealertsformissedcallsandunreadmessagesoremails
from people who matter to you.
• GetdetailsoncreatingyourcalendarofeventsfromtheCalendar section.
• LearnhowtogetweatherupdatesfromtheWeather section.