
Sending Omlet invites
Invite your friends to use Omlet Chat by sending them Omlet invites to their e-mail or Facebook account.
Sending Omlet invites via e-mail
To send an Omlet invite via e-mail:
1. From the Omlet Chat screen, tap to display Omlet Chat menu.
2. Tap Contacts then tap Add/Invite friends.
3. From the Add contacts screen, tap Invite Facebook friends.
4. Log in to your Facebook account then tap OK to let Omlet Chat access your account.
5. Tap + to select the contacts then tap Send.
Sending Omlet invites via e-mail
1. From the Omlet Chat screen, tap to display Omlet Chat menu.
2. Tap Contacts then tap Add/Invite friends.
3. From the Add contacts screen, tap Invite address book friends.
4. Tick to select the contacts, then tap .