
Applying wallpaper and background tint
To apply wallpaper and background tint:
1. Tap and hold an empty area on your Home screen and select Wallpapers.
2. Select where you want your wallpaper: on your Home screen, Lock screen, or Home screen and Lock
screen. If you do not want to add a background tint to your wallpaper, skip to step 5.
3. Tick Background tint, then adjust the transparency level.
4. Tap then select a color.
5. Select a wallpaper, then tap Apply.
• AbackgroundtintcanbeappliedtoyourHomescreen,orHomescreenandLockscreen.
• Youcanalsosetupyourwallpapersettingsfrom > Settings > Display.
Applying an animated wallpaper
To apply an animated wallpaper:
1. Tap and hold an empty area on your Home screen and select Wallpapers.
2. Select where you want your wallpaper: on your Home screen, or Home Screen and Lock screen.
3. Select an animated wallpaper, then tap Apply.
NOTE: You can also set up your wallpaper settings from > Settings > Display.