User Manual

ASUS P/I-P65UP8 User’s Manual 39
IV. VGA Installation
IBM OS/2 Video Driver Installation
(OS/2,CAD, Micro.)
IV. VGA Installation
WARNING: The S3 Trio64 device OS/2 video driver is to be used for the
English version of OS/2 only.
1. Start OS/2 using standard VGA driver
2. Double-click the OS/2 System folder
3. Double-click the Command Prompts folder
4. Double-click the OS/2 Full Screen object
5. Insert the ASUS support CD (assuming your CD-ROM drive is letter D)
6. Type D:\VGA\OS2\ENGLISH <Enter> and SETUP.CMD <Enter>
7. In the Monitor Configuration Selection Utility, select Install Using Defaults
for Monitor Type
8. Click OK when Display Driver Install panel appears
9. Restart OS/2. It will default to 640x480 in 256 colors. To change screen resolu-
tion and/or color depth, see your OS/2 Users Guide.
AutoCAD Video Driver Installation
1. Enter DOS mode
2. Insert the ASUS support CD (assuming your CD-ROM drive is letter D)
3. Change current directory to D:\DOS\AutoCAD, type INSTALL <Enter>
4. Follow the instructions to complete the installation of the drivers. Type direc-
tory name where AutoCAD drivers are located when installation program asks
you. Your video drivers should be installed and ready to use.
Microstation V ideo Driver Installation
1. Enter DOS mode
2. Insert the ASUS support CD (assuming your CD-ROM drive is letter D)
3. Change current directory to D:\DOS\Mstation, type INSTALL <Enter>
4. Follow the instructions to complete the installation of the drivers. Your video
drivers should be installed and ready to use.