
Chapter 3: Powering upChapter 3: Powering up
Chapter 3: Powering upChapter 3: Powering up
Chapter 3: Powering up
3.2 Powering off the computer
Using the OS shut down functionUsing the OS shut down function
Using the OS shut down functionUsing the OS shut down function
Using the OS shut down function
If you are using Windows
Server 2000:
1. Click the
Start Start
Start Start
Start button then click
Shut Down...Shut Down...
Shut Down...Shut Down...
Shut Down...
2. Make sure that the
Shut DownShut Down
Shut DownShut Down
Shut Down option button is selected, then click
O K button to shut down the computer.
3. The power supply should turn off after Windows
shuts down.
If you are using Windows
Server 2003:
1. Click the
Start Start
Start Start
Start button then select
Turn Off Computer.Turn Off Computer.
Turn Off Computer.Turn Off Computer.
Turn Off Computer.
2. Click the
Turn Off Turn Off
Turn Off Turn Off
Turn Off button to shut down the computer.
3. The power supply should turn off after Windows
shuts down.