User Guide

3-1ASUS PA278QV Series LCD Monitor
3.1 OSD (On-Screen Display) menu
3.1.1 How to reconfigure
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Da r kro om M ode
Ra p id Ren d eri ng M ode
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1. Press any button (except the Power button) to display the OSD menu.
2. Press the Menu button to activate the OSD menu.
3. Press the buttons as indicated on the screen to navigate through the
functions. Highlight the desired function and press to activate it. If the
function selected has a sub-menu, press and again to navigate
through the sub-menu functions. Highlight the desired sub-menu function and
press to activate it.
4. Press and to change the settings of the selected function.
5. To exit and save the OSD menu, press or repeatedly until the OSD menu
disappears. To adjust other functions, repeat steps 1-4.