User Manual

Table Of Contents
WinOF VPI for Windows User Manual Rev 4.3
Mellanox Technologies
Section 7.3.7,“ibping,” on page 64
Section 7.3.8,“ibnetdiscover,” on page 65
Section 7.3.9,“ibtracert,” on page 69
Section 7.3.10,“sminfo,” on page 70
Section 7.3.11,“ibclearerrors,” on page 72
Section 7.3.12,“ibstat,” on page 72
Section 7.3.13,“vstat,” on page 73
Section 7.3.14,“osmtest,” on page 73
7.3.1 Utilities Usage
This section first describes common configuration, interface, and addressing for all the tools in
the package. Then it provides detailed descriptions of the tools themselves including: operation,
synopsis and options descriptions, error codes, and examples. Common Configuration, Interface and Addressing
Topology File (Optional)
An InfiniBand fabric is composed of switches and channel adapter (HCA/TCA) devices. To iden-
tify devices in a fabric (or even in one switch system), each device is given a GUID (a MAC
equivalent). Since a GUID is a non-user-friendly string of characters, it is better to alias it to a
meaningful, user-given name. For this objective, the IB Diagnostic Tools can be provided with a
“topology file”, which is an optional configuration file specifying the IB fabric topology in user-
given names.
For diagnostic tools to fully support the topology file, the user may need to provide the local sys-
tem name (if the local hostname is not used in the topology file).
To specify a topology file to a diagnostic tool use one of the following two options:
1. On the command line, specify the file name using the option ‘-t <topology file name>’
2. Define the environment variable IBDIAG_TOPO_FILE
To specify the local system name to an diagnostic tool use one of the following two options:
1. On the command line, specify the system name using the option ‘-s <local system name>’
2. Define the environment variable IBDIAG_SYS_NAME IB Interface Definition
The diagnostic tools installed on a machine connect to the IB fabric by means of an HCA port
through which they send MADs. To specify this port to an IB diagnostic tool use one of the fol-
lowing options:
1. On the command line, specify the port number using the option ‘-p <local port number>’ (see
2. Define the environment variable IBDIAG_PORT_NUM
In case more than one HCA device is installed on the local machine, it is necessary to specify the
device’s index to the tool as well. For this use on of the following options:
1. On the command line, specify the index of the local device using the following option:
‘-i <index of local device>’