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InfiniBand FabricRev 4.3
Mellanox Technologies
7.4.9 ibv_send_bw
This is a more advanced version of ib_send_bw and contains more flags and featurs than the
older version and also improved algorithms. ibv_send_bw calculats the BW of SEND between a
pair of machines. One acts as a server and the other as a client. The server receive packets from
the client and they both calculate the throughput of the operation.The test supports a large variety
of features as described below, and has better performance than ib_send_bw in Nahelem systems. ibv_send_bw Synopsys ibv_send_bw Options
The table below lists the various flags of the command.
-x, --gid-index=<index> Test uses GID with GID index taken from command line (for
RDMAoE index should be 0)
-C, --report-cycles Reports times in cpu cycle units (default microseconds)
-H, --report-histogram Print out all results (default print summary only)
-U, --report-unsorted (implies -
Print out unsorted results (default sorted)
-V, --version Displays version number
-e, --events Inactive during CQ events (default poll)
-F, --CPU-freq The CPU frequency test. It is active even if the cpufreq_ondemand
module is loaded
-R, --rdma_cm Connect QPs with rdma_cm and run test on those QPs
-z, --com_rdma_cm Communicate with rdma_cm module to exchange data - use regular
-c, --connection=<RC/UC/UD> Connection type RC/UC/UD (default RC)
-I, --inline_size=<size> Max size of message to be sent in inline (default 400)
ibv_send_bw [-i(b_port) ib_port] [-d ib device] [-c(onnection_type) RC\UC\UD] [-
m(tu) mtu_size] [-s(ize) message_size] [-t(x-depth) tx_size] [-r(x_dpeth) rx_size]
[-n iteration_num] [-p(ort) PDT_port] [-I(nline_size) inline size] [-u qp timeout]
[-S(l) sl type] [-x gid index] [-e(vents) use events] [-
N(o_peak) use peak calc] [-F CPU freq fail] [-g num
of qps in mcast group] [-M mcast gid] [-b(idirectional)] [-a(ll)] [-V(ersion)]
Table 26 - ibv_send_bw Flags and Options
Flag Description
-p, --port=<port> Listens on/connect to port <port> (default 18515)
-d, --ib-dev=<dev> Uses IB device <device guid> (default first device found)
Table 25 - ibv_read_lat Flags and Options
Flag Description