User’s Manual

Chapter 2
Using the PCIe Slot Q-Release
The PCIEX16(G5)_1 slot comes with a PCIe Slot Q-Release button allowing you to easily
remove an expansion card installed to this PCIe slot, even when the expansion card may be
blocking the PCIe push-latch, such as a graphics card.
Before installing an expansion card:
Pressing the PCIe Slot Q-Release button before installing an expansion card to this slot will
ensure the PCIe push-latch is completely pushed down before installation.
To release an expansion card using the PCIe Slot Q-Release:
Slightly lift the expansion card with one hand and press the PCIe Slot Q-Release button with
the other hand. This should release the expansion card so that you can remove it with ease.
The illustration below is for reference only. The motherboard and PCIe Slot Q-Release
button may differ between models, but the steps for using the PCIe Slot Q-Release remain
the same.