User's Manual

Table Of Contents
To set up a Network Service fi lter:
1. From the navigation panel, go to Advanced Settings >
Firewall > Network Service Filter tab.
2. On the Enable Network Services Filter eld, select Ye s.
3. Select the Filter table type. Black List blocks the specifi ed
network services. White List limits access to only the specifi ed
network services.
4. Specify the day and time when the fi lters will be active.
5. To specify a Network Service to fi lter, enter the Source IP,
Destination IP, Port Range, and Protocol. Click the
6. Click Apply.
4.9.5 IPv6 Firewall
By default, your ASUS wireless router blocks all unsolicited
incoming traffi c. The IPv6 Firewall function allows incoming traffi c
coming from specifi ed services to go through your network.