User's Manual

IMPORTANT! You rst need to create a share account and its permission
/access rights to allow other network clients to access the USB device via
an FTP site/third-party FTP client utility, Servers Center, or Samba. For
more details, refer to the section 3.5.Using the USB Application in this
user manual.
To monitor your USB device:
1. From the navigation panel, go to General > Network Map.
2. OntheNetworkMapscreen,selecttheUSB Disk Status icon to
display your USB devices information.
3. On the AiDisk Wizard field, click GOtosetupanFTPserverfor
Internet file sharing.
• Formoredetails,refertothesection3.5.2 Using Servers Center in
this user manual.
• ThewirelessrouterworkswithmostUSBHDDs/Flashdisks(upto2TB
size) and supports read-write access for FAT16, FAT32, EXT2, EXT3,
and NTFS.