User’s Manual

ASUS Travelair AC
6. Turn on your Travelair AC. The system automatically detects the latest firmware file, and ASUS
AiDrive app prompts for confirmation on proceeding with the update.
7. Confirm the update, and wait until the update process is completed. Your Travelair AC
automatically restarts after the update process.
NOTE: DO NOT turn off your Travelair AC during the update process.
Q7: The firmware update process failed.
1. Ensure that the firmware file is placed in the root directory of your Travelair AC, and your
Travelair AC is plugged to a power outlet.
2. Try updating the firmware again.
Q8: Is the battery of my Travelair AC replaceable?
No, the battery is not replaceable. Your Travelair AC contains a non-replaceable Lithium-ion battery.
Q9: How do I reset my Travelair AC?
1. Locate the reset button at the bottom of your Travelair AC.
2. Using a paperclip and with your Travelair AC turned on, press the reset button for about ten (10)
seconds until it automatically restarts.
Q10: Will be my files be deleted when I reset my Travelair AC?
No, your files will not be deleted. Your Travelair AC device only restores the system to the default
settings and does not delete any data on your Travelair AC.
Q11: How long does it take to fully charge my Travelair AC?
• WhenchargingviaapoweroutletandyourTravelairACisturnedo,ittakesaboutfour(4)
hours to fully charge your Travelair AC.
• WhenchargingyourTravelairACwhileitisinuse,thechargingtimedependsonthesystem
Q12: I cannot connect my mobile device to my Travelair AC after the firmware update.
• Onyourmobiledevice,searchforandconnecttothenetworkTravelair-XXXX.
• IfyouhavepreviouslyassignedauniquenetworknameforyourTravelairAC,tryconnectingto
that network name on your mobile device.
Q13: How can I get the best wireless connection between my Travelair AC and mobile
To get the best wireless connection, ensure that you are near your Travelair AC when you are wire-
lessly accessing files on it from your mobile device.
Q14: Will the bandwidth decrease when multiple users are connected to the Travelair AC?
Yes, the bandwidth decreases when multiple users are accessing your Travelair AC.
Q15: I cannot play music/video or view pictures/documents via the ASUS AiDrive app.
• EnsurethatASUSAiDriveoryourmobiledevicesupportstheleformat.
• Whentheleformatisnotsupported,installathird-partymediaplayerapponyourmobile
device to open the file.