User guide

2-21ASUS TS100-E4/PI2
To install a oppy disk drive:
1. Insert the drive to the bay until
it is flushed to the chassis front
2. Align the FDD screw hole with the
drive bay lock pin.
2.8 Removing components
You may need to remove previously installed system components when
installing or removing other system components, or when replacing a de-
fective component. This section tells how to remove the following compo-
1. Floppy disk drive (FDD)
2. System fan (Optional)
4. Carefully pull the FDD from the
chassis. Set the FDD aside.
2. Unlock the FDD bay by moving
the drive bay lock toward the
direction of the front panel.
2.8.1 Removing the oppy disk drive
To remove the FDD:
1. Disconnect the FDD power plug and signal cable.
3. Use the screwdriver to release
the screw.