User's Manual
Copyright © 2019 ASUSTeK COMPUTER INC. All Rights Reserved.
限するライセンスのもとにおいて頒布されます。購入者によるバックアップ目的の場合を除き、A SUSTeK Computer
Inc. (以下、ASUS)の書面による事前の許可なく、本製品および本書のいかなる部分も、いかなる方法によって
( 1 ) 製 品 に 対 し A S U S の 書 面 に よ り 認 定 さ れ た 以 外 の 修 理 、改 造 、改 変 が 行 な わ れ た 場 合
(2) 製品のシリアル番号の確認ができない場合
事業の中断など)に対して、たとえA SUSがその損害の可能性について知らされていた場合も、一切責任を負い
Oer to Provide Source Code of Certain Software
This product contains copyrighted software that is licensed under the General Public License (“GPL”),
under the Lesser General Public License Version (“LGPL”) and/or other Free Open Source Software
Licenses. Such software in this product is distributed without any warranty to the extent permitted by
the applicable law. Copies of these licenses are included in this product.
Where the applicable license entitles you to the source code of such software and/or other additional
data, you may obtain it for a period of three years after our last shipment of the product, either
(1) for free by downloading it from
(2) for the cost of reproduction and shipment, which is dependent on the preferred carrier and the
location where you want to have it shipped to, by sending a request to:
ASUSTeK Computer Inc.
Legal Compliance Dept.
15 Li Te Rd.,
Beitou, Taipei 112
In your request please provide the name, model number and version, as stated in the About Box of the
product for which you wish to obtain the corresponding source code and your contact details so that
we can coordinate the terms and cost of shipment with you.
The source code will be distributed WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY and licensed under the same license as
the corresponding binary/object code.
This oer is valid to anyone in receipt of this information.
ASUSTeK is eager to duly provide complete source code as required under various Free Open Source
Software licenses. If however you encounter any problems in obtaining the full corresponding source
code we would be much obliged if you give us a notication to the email address,
stating the product and describing the problem (please DO NOT send large attachments such as source
code archives, etc. to this email address).