User’s Manual

2.5 RAID congurations
The motherboard comes with the AMD RAIDXpert2 Technology that supports Volume,
RAIDABLE, RAID 0, RAID 1, and RAID 10 (depends on system licensing) configurations.
RAID denitions
Volume provides the ability to link-together storage from one or several disks, regardless
of the size of the space on those disks. This configuration is useful in scavenging space on
disks unused by other disks in the array. This configuration does not provide performance
benefits or data redundancy, disk failure will result in data loss.
RAIDABLE arrays (also known as RAID Ready) are a special type of Volume (JBOD) that
allows the user to add more storage space or create a redundant array after a system is
installed. RAIDABLE arrays are created using UEFI or rcadm.
The ability to create RAIDABLE arrays may vary per system.
RAID 0 (Data striping) optimizes two identical hard disk drives to read and write data in
parallel, interleaved stacks. Two hard disks perform the same work as a single drive but at a
sustained data transfer rate, double that of a single disk alone, thus improving data access
and storage. Use of two new identical hard disk drives is required for this setup.
RAID 1 (Data mirroring) copies and maintains an identical image of data from one drive to
a second drive. If one drive fails, the disk array management software directs all applications
to the surviving drive as it contains a complete copy of the data in the other drive. This RAID
conguration provides data protection and increases fault tolerance to the entire system. Use
two new drives or use an existing drive and a new drive for this setup. The new drive must be
of the same size or larger than the existing drive.
RAID 10 is data striping and data mirroring combined without parity (redundancy data) having
to be calculated and written. With the RAID 10 conguration you get all the benets of both
RAID 0 and RAID 1 congurations. Use four new hard disk drives or use an existing drive
and three new drives for this setup.
For more information on conguring your RAID sets, please
refer to the RAID Conguration Guide which you can nd at, or by scanning the QR code.