User’s Manual

Table Of Contents
Notebook PC E-Manual
Notices for removable batteries
• Riskofexplosionifbatteryisreplacedbyanincorrecttype.
• Thebatteryanditscomponentmustberecycledordisposedofproperly.
Regional notice for Singapore
This ASUS product complies with IMDA Standards.
Complies with
IMDA Standards
Avis concernant les batteries remplaçables
• Labatteriedel’appareilpeutprésenterunrisqued’incendieoudebrûlure
si celle-ci est retirée ou désassemblée.
• Labatterieetsescomposantsdoiventêtrerecyclésdefaçonappropriée.
Coating Notice
IMPORTANT! To provide electrical insulation and maintain electrical safety, a coating
is applied to insulate the device except on the areas where the I/O ports are located.