User’s Manual
Table Of Contents
- 本マニュアルについて
- Chapter 1: ハードウェアのセットアップ
- Chapter 2: ノートパソコンを使用する
- Chapter 3: Windows® 10環境で使用する
- Chapter 4: Power-On Self-Test(POST)
- Chapter 5: FAQとヒント
- Chapter6: 付録
- 内蔵モデムの適応規格 (規格/プロトコルなど原文掲載)
- Network Compatibility Declaration
- Non-Voice Equipment
- Federal Communications Commission Interference Statement
- Declaration of Conformity (R&TTE directive 1999/5/EC)
- FCC Radio Frequency (RF) Exposure Caution Statement
- RF Exposure Information (SAR)
- CE Marking
- RF Exposure information (SAR) - CE
- IC Warning Statement
- Wireless Operation Channel for Different Domains
- France Restricted Wireless Frequency Bands
- UL Safety Notices
- Power Safety Requirement
- TV Notices
- Macrovision Corporation Product Notice
- Nordic Lithium Cautions (for lithium-ion batteries)
- Optical Drive Safety Information
- CDRH Regulations
- CTR 21 Approval (for Notebook PC with built-in Modem)
- ENERGY STAR complied product
- 電気・電子機器に含有される化学物質の表示について 
- 回収とリサイクルについて
- 筐体のコーティングについて
- 日本国内での無線周波数帯のご利用について
- 聴覚障害を防ぐため
ノートパソコン ユーザーマニュアル
RF Exposure information (SAR) - CE
This device meets the EU requirements (1999/519/EC) on the limitation of
exposure of the general public to electromagnetic elds by way of health
The limits are part of extensive recommendations for the protection of
the general public. These recommendations have been developed and
checked by independent scientic organizations through regular and
thorough evaluations of scientic studies. The unit of measurement for
the European Council’s recommended limit for mobile devices is the
“Specic Absorption Rate” (SAR), and the SAR limit is 2.0 W/Kg averaged
over 10 gram of body tissue. It meets the requirements of the International
Commission on Non-Ionizing Radiation Protection (ICNIRP).
For next-to-body operation, this device has been tested and meets the
ICNRP exposure guidelines and the European Standard EN 50566 and
EN 62209-2. SAR is measured with the device directly contacted to the
body while transmitting at the highest certied output power level in all
frequency bands of the mobile device.