User's Manual

26 ASUS Xonar DG
No Item Description
1 Analog Out
The Analog Out setting is used to match your actual
speaker setting, such as headphones, 2 speakers (or 2.1),
4 speakers (or 4.1), 5.1 speakers, Front Panel Headphone
and Front Panel 2 speakers (or 2.1). Xonar DG will play the
channels and do the proper 3D surround sound processing
accordingly. Select the correct speaker type for your
connected speakers.
2 Speaker Test
Click this button to show the speaker test window in the right
pane. Click the “play” button to test each speaker one by one
or click each speaker manually to test.
3 Speaker Swap
Clicking this button will pop up an advanced setting window
to allow you to:
– Swap center/bass outputs for 5.1-speaker set ups
Check the box if your speakers are outputting the incorrect
channel. Otherwise, leave them blank.
5.1 Speakers