User manual

Chapter 6: Your precious moments
• YoucandownloadphotostoyourASUSPhonefromyourcloudaccountandusethemasyour
wallpaper or a contact's cover image.
• Fordetailsonaddingcoverimagestoyourcontacts,seeCustomizing your contact's profile.
• Fordetailsonusingphotosorimagesasyourwallpaper,seeWallpapers.
IMPORTANT! Internet connection is required for viewing photos and videos under My cloud photos
and Friends photos.
Using the Gallery
View images and play videos on your ASUS Phone using the Gallery app.
This app also allows you to edit, share, or delete image and video files stored in your ASUS Phone.
From Gallery, you can display images in a slideshow or tap to view the selected image or video file.
To launch Gallery, tap ASUS > Gallery.
Viewing files from your social network or cloud storage
By default, your Gallery displays all the media files on your ASUS Phone according to their album
1. From the main screen, tap .
2. Tap any of the following source locations to view their respective media files.