
Chapter 6: Your precious moments
Posting photos to your Calendar event wall
Enabling this feature in your Gallery allows you to view photos straight from your Calendar events.
This way, you can immediately group captured photos according to their specic event name.
1. After taking photos from your ASUS Phone, launch Gallery.
2. Tap > Events wall.
3. Tap on the upper right corner of the folder containing the photos taken during an event.
4. Select the Calendar event you would like to integrate with the photo folder.
5. The icon appears on the upper right corner of the photo folder indicating that the photos
are successfully posted on the event wall.
6. To view the event photos, open the event from the Calendar app, then tap .
• This feature is only enabled after setting events on the Calendar. For more details on how to set
events, see Calendar.
• OnlyphotostakenwithyourASUSPhone'scameraonthesamedateandtimeasaCalendarevent
can use this feature.